Cinnamon Sticks Designs
Designed to represent love - Love of your significant other, your children, your friends, yourself, and this wonderful world we inhabit.
When you're going through life, sometimes the little moments make it all worthwhile. Cinnamon Sticks Designs strive to capture those special days and times in your day-to lose yourself within a beautiful piece of wearable art that celebrates you and your bond with your loved ones!

20 Years ago, when my husband and I had our third child, I decided to leave my job in pediatrics to be home with our children.
I enjoyed watching them learn to crawl, to climb, to find new objects to put in their mouths, to walk, to discover the world and themselves. They reminded me how I had been as a child.

As soon as I had learned to walk, I pocketed every rock I could find, especially if it shimmered.
At five years old, when my parents’ friend—a jeweler!—let me try on a 6 carat, pear cut diamond ring, I wanted to use whatever else I could find—bits of wire, cloth, twigs or grass—to turn all those sparkling rocks I’d found into jewelry.
The funny thing is that all those years later, as a wife with three children, I was still collecting rocks, turquoise and aquamarine, moonstone, and lapis lazuli—anything marbled blue like the sea or as clear as a mountain sky. I still wanted to turn rocks into jewelry. And I wanted not only to be home with my children but also to help my husband provide for them.

So, I started sketching designs into a notebook. I set up a workshop in our bedroom. I learned metalsmithing and how to fire clay.
I discovered Etsy in 2008, and after many, many sleepless nights (and hundreds of caramel lattes) spent pounding silver into rings or bracelets my jewelry shop became a reality.

My workshop has since outgrown the tiny table in the bedroom, but my jewelry remains uniquely handmade.
My husband and I now have seven children.
The kids even lend a hand sometimes!
Every day I am grateful to be able to create from life’s inspirations, especially those rooted in family
I create each piece of jewelry with the hope that it inspires you and your loved ones to celebrate and cherish the most meaningful moments in your lives.